söndag, januari 07, 2007


A is for age: 20

B is for booze of choice: Absolut

C is for career: Student

D is for the name of you first doll: Hmm... minns inte...

E is for essential items to bring to a party: Väska med det nödvändigaste för kvällen

F is for favourite song at the moment: Irreplaceable

G is for favourite game: -

H is for home town: Jönköping

I is for instruments you play: Piano (?)

K is for kids: Mina älskade systerbarn

L is for living arrangements: Villa med föräldrarna

M is for mobilephone: Samsung E-900

N is for name of your crush: hihi

P is for phobias: Råttor & möss UUUHHHÄÄÄÄ!

Q is for quotes you like: "Ingen kan få dig att känna dig underlägsen utan din tillåtelse"

R is for roses you like: Vita och röda

S is for siblings: 4

T is for time you wake up: 10

U is for unnecessary things you buy: Vissa inrednings prylar

V is for vegetables you love: Isbergssallad ♥ gurka, avokado, körsbärstomater

W is for weekend plans: Tentaplugg

X is for x-rays you've had: -

Y is for yummy food you make: Potatisgratäng :D

Z is for zodiac sign: Oxen



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